These Things Donald Trump Has Done Are Terrible
If you didn’t know, Donald Trump has a terrible track record. We’ve got loads of evidence about him, all from his own mouth and records. There are loads of bad things he has done – more than we can put on this page. However, here’s some of his worst.
The Trump University Scam
When Trump University was around, it was a compete scam. Not only did Trump profit $5 million from it, it was not even an accredited university. It was also home to illegal business practices, and Trump didn’t even have the license for it.
Destroying the Lives of Farmers
When he was giving options to help California wildfires, he told them to pull water from reservoirs. When this happened, Farmers were hurt as their fields were flooded.
Encouraging an Insurrection
Whether his supporters want to admit it or not, Donald Trump helped incite an insurrection. He constantly would complain how the election was stolen, and he did nothing when his supporters raided the capital. Not to mention that, he also took forever to even respond to what was happening. Even more recently, he pardoned all 1,600 people who were involved. That in itself was not right.
His Views Towards Women
Trump believes women are just objects. We’ve all seen the tapes where he says that “women will let you do anything to them when you are rich”. He also has a record of saying very bad things to women. His project 2025 also wants to strip women’s rights, such as abortion rights. No man should be responsible for removing women’s rights.
Being Racist
In the 1970s, the federal government sued Trump for discriminating towards black apartment seekers. He would refuse to rent apartments to them. In the testimony, applications filed by colored people were marked with a “C” for colored.
In 1989, he also took out newspaper ads calling for the death penalty to be reinstated – after five teenagers were set to stand trial for beating and raping a white woman. In the 90’s, he also questioned the legitimacy of tribes seeking to build casinos. He cited their dark skin, as evidence they were faking it.