This Was Not Supposed To Happen
For a nation that was looking forward to an election win that could bring us all together again, we are now more divided than ever. We found out that most of America voted for Felon Donald Trump, and are just overall bad people.
We wanted things to be better. We wanted a president that would spread love and try to unite us. That’s what Kamala Harris stood for. Instead we got the dollar store version of a president, Mr. Donald Trump.
Within the past few days, we have seen some of the worst of him. On day one, Trump signed orders saying “the United States only recognizes two genders”. This is incredibly stupid, we have better things to worry about. How people live their lives is up to them, not the government. Thankfully, people can still be who they want. The government cant make you change what you want to be.
We’ve also seen a crisis like never before. Trump also pulled another rug-pull on his own Crypto coin. This gave him billions in profits, and when he was asked about it, he called it “chump change”. This is more proof that he only cares about money, and not the American people.
Another concerning move was pardoning the January 6th insurrectionists – 1,500 of them are going to be set free. Thankfully, the prison system is trying to fight back. This sends the message that crime is okay in Trump’s America.
He also has plans to set us back years in our own history. He wants to rename the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America”, and even is working on removing protections from being discriminated in the workplace.
This is not America. It’s clear we are heading backwards. Hopefully someone will act soon, and we can impeach Donald Trump within the next few months before he does any more serious damage.
MAGA: Trump isn’t a dictator!
Are you sure? Are you using your eyes?